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Jason Don

Jason Don

Creative Director, Swan

Jason Don (aka Brekkie von Bitcoin) is an LA based artist and advocate for Bitcoin. He currently serves as Swan’s Creative Director overseeing Swan Studios, and in his free time he creates Bitcoin sculptures in stone using hammer and chisel.

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Writings on Bitcoin

Bitcoin for Beginners: A Short Guide

If you are new to Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general, I would urge you to really, really study Bitcoin before looking at anything else.. It was the first “cryptocurrency,” and there are very good reasons why it is still the most popular and well known. Bitcoin may be the oldest, but it is absolutely NOT the “MySpace” of crypto. Bitcoin is constantly evolving and adapting and there are many exciting developments on the horizon.

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Bullish on Swan Bitcoin

But the real reason I’m so excited is because Swan Bitcoin is a bitcoin-only, mission-driven company, and that mission is to educate new Bitcoiners and help them to save bitcoin as easily, affordably, and safely as possible.

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Op Ed: Pitching Bitcoin During The Holidays

It’s that time of year again! When you can’t decide whether to get a pumpkin spice or eggnog-flavored latte, and your local mall reeks of cinnamon, pine needles and dirty fiat money. The HODLdays are a time for friends, family and gift-giving, but as good Bitcoiners, we already know that the best gift of all is bitcoin.

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When It Comes To Bitcoin And Art, Let’s Create A Better NFT Experience

A little over a year ago, after I finally finished doing my own research (just kidding, that process never really ends …), I reached the conclusion that if anything in the world of “crypto” / “blockchain” / “distributed ledger technology” was going to change the world and make it a better place … it was going to be Bitcoin.

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Bitcoin does matter, and if someone is genuinely curious and wants to learn, how can you not take the time to help them?

Jason Don


Jason Don (aka Brekkie von Bitcoin) is an artist and advocate for Bitcoin based in Los Angeles, California. He believes that sound money is the key to a more prosperous future for all, and that Bitcoin represents the best chance we have at making that future a reality.

Prior to falling down the Bitcoin rabbit hole, Jason received his Bachelor’s Degree in International Relations from the University of Pennsylvania. After graduating, he moved to Los Angeles, earned his Master’s Degree in Producing from the American Film Institute, and worked for a number of years in the film industry before realizing that he much prefers watching movies to making them.

Jason (aka Brekkie) is available as a guest to cover a range of topics including:

  • Bitcoin and creativity
  • The intersection of Bitcoin and popular culture
  • The role of art in promoting Bitcoin awareness and adoption
  • Propaganda, memes, and the importance and implications of narrative creation
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Bitcoin is a choice. I choose to use Bitcoin every single day. I choose to hold it every single day. Whether you realize it or not, you’re making a choice - to either hold it or not to hold it... Choice is power. The ability to make a choice is powerful. And that’s part of why Bitcoin is so incredible because it gives you that power.

The money printer is only valuable as a ’tool of brrr’ while the populace believes the funny money is real. If the populace suddenly realizes ’This is bullshit’, then at that point, the money printer is gonna go ’brrr’ as fast as they can to get as much Bitcoin as they can.

Bitcoin does matter, and if someone is genuinely curious and wants to learn, how can you not take the time to help them?

I don’t make Bitcoin art to make money. I make money so that I can make Bitcoin art.

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Swan Bitcoin does not provide any investment, financial, tax, legal or other professional advice. We recommend that you consult with financial and tax advisors to understand the risks and consequences of buying, selling and holding Bitcoin.

© Swan Bitcoin 2025