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Welcome to Bitcoin TV

Bitcoin TV makes it easy to sit back and learn all about this revolutionary new money.
Cory Klippsten
Cory Klippsten
Nov 11, 2020November 11, 20204 min read4 minutes read

Bitcoin TV has just launched, making the best of Bitcoin avail­able in a curated streaming channel for everyone around the world, around the clock. With viewing initially avail­able at and on YouTube, the channel’s mission is to educate and enter­tain both newcomers and long-time advocates of the decen­tral­ized digital money.

“Bitcoin TV makes it easy to sit back and learn all about this revolu­tionary new money, ” said founder Cory Klipp­sten. “There is a ton of high-quality Bitcoin educa­tion content avail­able, but there’s so much noise that curation is an absolute necessity.”

Klipp­sten, who is also CEO of Bitcoin purchasing service, previ­ously worked on YouTube sales strategy at Google and later advised online video compa­nies Pluto TV (acquired by ViacomCBS), New Form, and Reelgood.

Preview partic­i­pants made it clear that Bitcoin TV fills an acute need.

As one fan said:

“It’s CNBC for Bitcoiners. I leave it on my TV throughout the day, listen to it at the gym, and hit the Youtube chat in the evenings.”

With zero promo­tion for the week-long preview, the channel garnered thousands of viewers with an average watch time of 47 minutes.

Just the Begin­ning for Bitcoin TV

With support and partic­i­pa­tion from many of Bitcoin’s best content creators, Bitcoin TV plans to add value to existing Bitcoin educa­tion content through produc­tion, curation, editing, organi­za­tion, and presen­ta­tion. In Q1 2021, Bitcoin TV plans to launch over-the-top televi­sion services like Pluto TV, Roku, and Samsung. 

The service already features respected technol­o­gists, econo­mists, and Bitcoin advocates like Andreas Antonopolous, Raoul Pal, Lyn Alden, Chamath Palihapi­tiya, Naval Ravikant, Max Keiser, Stacy Herbert, Adam Back, Danielle DiMartino Booth, Preston Pysh, Matt Odell, Robert Breedlove, Stephan Livera, Andy Edstrom, and Tuur Demeester, with many more to come.

Bitcoin is Ready for Prime Time

The Bitcoin industry has matured quickly over the past few years, as Bitcoin has become a significant player in the global macro­eco­nomic and invest­ment landscape. Some of the world’s leading finan­cial insti­tu­tions and investors like Fidelity, JPMorgan, Stanley Druck­en­miller, Paul Tudor Jones, Raoul Pal, and more have made large invest­ments in Bitcoin and in the broader industry.

“The time is right for Bitcoin TV to build on this momentum, ” said Brady Swenson, Program­ming Director of Bitcoin TV…

“As hundreds of millions of people around the world discover Bitcoin in the coming years, we will continue our efforts to bring the best minds in the world to Bitcoin TV.”

Bitcoin TV is Provided Free for All by

Swan makes it easy for retail investors to set up automatic recur­ring purchases of Bitcoin straight from their bank account, similar to automatic contri­bu­tions to a 401k. This “set it and forget it” method has proven the best approach for building a Bitcoin position over the long term, avoiding the pitfalls of trading and related tax conse­quences while ensuring steady accumu­la­tion. The service also allows members to wire funds or use ACH bank trans­fers for larger one-time purchases.

Says Klipp­sten, “The more someone knows about Bitcoin, the more they buy, so Bitcoin TV is a natural exten­sion of our commit­ment to education.”

The Swan team already includes several authors and podcast hosts, including Yan Pritzker (Inventing Bitcoin), the pseudo­ny­mous Gigi (21 Lessons), Swenson (the Citizen Bitcoin and Swan Signal Live podcasts), Andrew Edstrom (Why Buy Bitcoin), Klipp­sten (the forth­coming book Bitcoin: A Bright Orange Future), and Jason Don, aka Brekkie von Bitcoin (the Swan Lounge podcast). Addition­ally, Swan sponsors the Stephan Livera Podcast and Bitcoin writer/philosopher Robert Breedlove, both leaders in the space.

“In a time of monetary chaos, Bitcoin is inspiring millions to imagine a brighter future we can build together. We hope Bitcoin TV will help unite the world in pursuit of this cause.”

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Cory Klippsten

Cory Klippsten

Cory Klippsten is the CEO of financial services firm Swan Bitcoin. He is a partner in Bitcoiner Ventures and The Bitcoin Opportunity Fund, and as an angel has funded more than 50 early stage tech companies. Before startups, Klippsten worked for Google, McKinsey, Microsoft and Morgan Stanley, and earned an MBA from the University of Chicago. He grew up in Seattle, split 15 years between NYC and Chicago, and now lives in LA with his wife and daughters. His hobbies include basketball, history and travel (Istanbul and Barcelona are favorites).



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