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Swan Signal Monthly: January 2021 Newsletter

Swan Signal Monthly: January 2021 Newsletter

Bitcoin hit a new all-time high of $42,000 in early Janurary and has since pulled back to $33,000. Is this a buying opportunity?
Brandon Quittem
Brandon Quittem
Jan 31, 2020January 31, 20206 min read6 minutes read

Welcome to the January 2021 edition of the Swan Signal monthly newsletter. Bitcoin hit a new all-time high of $42,000 in early January and has since pulled back to $33,000. 

Is this a buying oppor­tu­nity?

Read on to find out.

Ready to start investing in Bitcoin?

You can get started through today. New users can make one-time buys OR set up an automatic recur­ring purchase plan (ex: $50/week).

In the meantime, we hope you find our monthly Bitcoin newsletter valuable!

In this month’s letter:

  1. Liftoff: a short essay about Bitcoin

  2. A curated list of recent Bitcoin content

  3. Behind-the-scenes updates from the Swan team

Liftoff: Bitcoin Down 22% From its All-Time High. Is This a Buying Opportunity?

Bitcoin is trading at $33,000 at the time of publi­ca­tion. This is down 22% from the recent all-time high of around $42,000. Should we be worried?

No, we should not be worried. In fact, it’s healthy to see pullbacks in a bull market. 

For some histor­ical context, Bitcoin rose from $1,000 to $20,000 in 2017, and during that run, we saw five ~30% pullbacks. Buying during those pullbacks turned out to be wise moves.

Swan customers have been buying this dip in earnest 💪

We’ve noticed that any time the Bitcoin price drops by 5 — 10%, existing Swan customers log into their dashboard and make on-time buys. In fact, our biggest volume days are when the price dips 🙂

As a reminder, our new “buy instantly” feature is avail­able for all Swan Customers. 

Swan customers aren’t the only ones buying this dip…

In fact, we’re seeing increased insti­tu­tional investors buying Bitcoin like never before. 

In other words, there’s a wall of insti­tu­tional money buying Bitcoin now, and the future looks very promising. 

Get started buying Bitcoin today by setting up an account at

Swan Customers can buy Bitcoin in three ways:

  1. Buy Instantly with your linked bank account

  2. Wire Transfer for larger purchases (between $5k and $10m)

  3. Set up an automatic recur­ring purchase plan (ex: $500/week)

Start Investing in Bitcoin with Swan

What Swan Customers Are Saying

“I stack like a gangster on Swan. Easy, lowest fees around. The ‘Smash Buy’ feature puts Coinbase and Cash App to shame. Auto-withdrawing my multisig cold wallet gives me peace of mind. Fantastic!”

  • Max Keiser

Swan is the easiest and safest way to accumu­late Bitcoin.

Start investing in Bitcoin with Swan today.

We’ve pulled together some great Bitcoin content from around the web for you…

Bitcoin Content Showcase

Robert Breedlove on George Gammon Rebel Capitalist Podcast

Deep dive into Bitcoin, the history of Gold, and the past, present, and future of banking in a Bitcoin world. 

Stoner­idge Share­holder Letter on Bitcoin

Stoner­idge Asset Manage­ment recently launched a Bitcoin fund. They recently published their 2020 annual share­holder letter describing their Bitcoin thesis. They’re incred­ibly bullish on Bitcoin.

Vijay Boyapati “Bitcoin 101” on What Bitcoin Did Podcast

Vijay is one of the best at artic­u­lating the value propo­si­tion of Bitcoin. This is a perfect episode for begin­ners, be sure to pass along to your friends and family.

Bitcoin Tidbit: What is a “pseudonym?”

A pseudonym is a ficti­tious name that a person or group assumes for a partic­ular purpose. Bitcoin’s creator used the pseudonym “Satoshi Nakamoto” to conceal their identity. There is a miscon­cep­tion that Bitcoin addresses are anony­mous, however in reality they’re pseudonymous.

Highlights from Swan’s Content

Swan is dedicated to producing great content to educate and raise aware­ness about Bitcoin. Our blog, Swan Signal, features thoughts and opinions on Bitcoin from the Swan team and industry experts. 

Our weekly live broad­cast, Swan Signal Live, pairs notable guests for compelling discus­sions about Bitcoin and economics. The live broad­cast is then published as audio on the Swan Signal Podcast feed. Subscribe to receive new episodes.

Swan Signal Live 45: Lyn Alden and Jeff Booth
Great discus­sion on technology as a defla­tionary force, long-term debt cycles, and Bitcoin as a solution to unpayable sover­eign debt.

Swan Signal Live 46: Preston Pysh and Andy Edstrom
A lively discus­sion on the latest in Bitcoin, macro­eco­nomics, and finance. There’s a reason these two >guys are regulars on the Swan Signal Live show 🙂

Why Bitcoin is not a Ponzi Scheme by Lyn Alden
Lyn Alden method­i­cally breaks down why Bitcoin is NOT a ponzi Scheme in a recent guest post on the Swan Signal blog. Lyn is known for her sharp wit and unmatched clarity in her writing. 

Sover­eignism Part 1: Digital Creative Destruc­tion by Robert Breedlove
Robert explores the digital disrup­tion of the nation-state and the subse­quent ampli­fi­ca­tion of individual sover­eignty during the digital age.

Behind the Scenes at Swan

  • Swan hit another record-breaking month in terms of new members and total Bitcoin bought 🚀

  • Product Update: all Swan customers can choose between buying Bitcoin instantly OR setting up an automatic recur­ring purchase plan.

  • Clubhouse: Swan team has been hosting bitcoin rooms on Clubhouse, join our club Café Bitcoin to be notified of future events. 

  • Facebook: we launched a new Facebook group “Cafe Bitcoin” to help educate people about Bitcoin. Join the group and invite your friends!

  • Robert Breedlove joined the Swan Team! Robert is the managing director of Swan Private which helps corpo­ra­tions and high net worth individ­uals build gener­a­tional wealth with Bitcoin. Stay tuned for the Swan Private public launch.

  • Swan Bitcoin Advisor, Max Keiser, just launched a newsletter called the “Daily Dose.” If you like Max, you’re going to love this. Sign up here

  • Swan Force has grown to over 2,500 members! Join Swan Force to get paid to recruit Bitcoiners. When you recruit someone to Swan, you’ll earn 25% of all Swan fees for 3 years. 

Thank You!

Wow. The energy surrounding Bitcoin (and Swan) is explo­sive right now. 

2021 is poised to be an incred­ible year and we’re so glad to fly along­side you. 🦢

As always, Swan is here to ensure investing in Bitcoin is easy, fast, and safe. Click here to get started today! 

The Swan Team

P.S. Feel free to reach us at

P.P.S. As part of our commit­ment to educa­tion, we’re offering you and your friends a free copy of Inventing Bitcoin by Yan Pritzker. Share this link around!

Sign up to start saving Bitcoin

Buy automatically every day, week, or month, starting with as little as $10.

Brandon Quittem

Brandon Quittem

Brandon is an entrepreneur, writer, speaker, and passionate Bitcoiner. His articles have been read by more than 2 million people online. Most well known for exploring the parallels between bitcoin and mycelium.



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Swan Bitcoin does not provide any investment, financial, tax, legal or other professional advice. We recommend that you consult with financial and tax advisors to understand the risks and consequences of buying, selling and holding Bitcoin.

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