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Swan Signal Monthly: December 2020 Newsletter

Swan Signal Monthly: December 2020 Newsletter

Earlier this month Bitcoin broke through the all-time high price, and psychological barrier of $20,0000, driven by short-term retail trader speculation.
Brandon Quittem
Brandon Quittem
Dec 31, 2020December 31, 20207 min read7 minutes read

Welcome to the December 2020 edition of the Swan Signal monthly newsletter. Bitcoin broke new all-time highs this month and all signs point to explo­sive price action ahead.

We’re thankful for your willing­ness to take a chance on a fledg­ling company this year and we hope we have served you well. Thank you for being an early Swan adopter, it means so much to us.

Many of our members are taking advan­tage of our newly supported Buy Instantly feature. We’re also supporting wires of $2,500 to $10,000,000 if you’re looking to make a big buy before the end of the year. Check these out on your Swan dashboard.

Check out your Swan Dashboard

Before we dive in, we just want to remind you that, as part of our commit­ment to educa­tion, we’re offering a free copy of Inventing Bitcoin by Yan Pritzker. The book is a great intro­duc­tion to the Bitcoin system, highly rated on Amazon, and often recom­mended by Bitcoiners. Share it with friends and family over the holiday season! 

We’ll follow up with more Bitcoin educa­tion and some notes on why Swan is a great way to start stacking. 

In this month’s letter:

  1. Liftoff: a short essay about Bitcoin

  2. A curated list of recent Bitcoin content

  3. Behind-the-scenes updates from the Swan team

Liftoff: HODL FOMO

Earlier this month, Bitcoin broke through the all-time high price and psycho­log­ical barrier of $20,000.

The 2017 bull run where Bitcoin reached $20,000 was driven by short-term retail trader specu­la­tion. These traders were driven by the fear of missing out (FOMO) on USD gains.

As we’ve discussed many times here in the Liftoff, the investors we’re seeing buying up a lot of Bitcoin right now are funda­men­tally different.

These investors seem to be buying Bitcoin to hold for the long term (HODL). Both individ­uals and corpo­ra­tions are feeling the fear of missing out on the adoption of Bitcoin as a reserve asset.

While we saw specu­la­tive USD-based FOMO during the last bull run, during this run, we are witnessing the begin­nings of BTC-based FOMO (we call it HODL FOMO). 

The big buyers realize there are only 21M Bitcoin and they don’t want to be left behind in a race to accumu­late their own position. In the following chart, you can see this HODL FOMO phenom­enon in a histor­ical context. As the price started to run up from March 2020 low, you can see Bitcoin held on exchanges dropped precipitously.

Why? Large investors, compa­nies, and insti­tu­tions started taking large positions in Bitcoin, such as Paul Tudor Jones, Stanley Druck­en­miller, MicroS­trategy, Square, MassMu­tual, Guggen­heim, and more.

These investors are not leaving Bitcoin on exchanges in hopes of trading them for USD at a higher price, as investors did in 2017. They are taking their Bitcoin off the market to hold for the long term in fear of letting their competi­tors front-run them and missing this oppor­tu­nity to buy and hold Bitcoin as a reserve asset at these relatively low prices.

The conse­quences of this trend, should it continue, could be shocking. As Bitcoin avail­able on exchanges dries up, the supply shock could make the Bitcoin price shoot up very quickly until sellers are willing to part with their Bitcoin again.

As this cycle continues, Bitcoins that become avail­able at higher prices are bought up by investors looking to sweep them off the market into cold storage, creating another supply shortage, and so on.

With few sellers and increasing demand driven by HODL FOMO, we could see Bitcoin prices that surprise us all. We will continue to watch this trend.

What Swan Customers Are Saying

“When you come across this kind of customer service experi­ence, you’ve made a fan for life… Swan is the only platform I will recom­mend from now on.”

 — @Hodlberry video testimonial

“Yeah, [Swan] has consis­tently proven to be solid. I’m a customer for life… building them into my regular habits was easy and is helping us build gener­a­tional wealth.”

 — @BrokenSystem20 

Swan is the easiest and safest way to accumu­late Bitcoin.

Start investing in Bitcoin with Swan today.

We’ve pulled together some great Bitcoin content from around the web for you…

Bitcoin Content Showcase

Niall Ferguson “Bitcoin Revolu­tion” on Stephan Livera Podcast

Niall is an author, histo­rian, and econo­mist who recently became bullish on Bitcoin. Learn about the history of money, the rise of Bitcoin, and what the finan­cial future holds.

Congressman Warren Davidson on Noded Podcast

Hear what a Bitcoiner in Congress thinks about polit­ical philos­ophy, the legisla­tive process, regula­tory actions, and monetary economics as they relate to Bitcoin holders and node opera­tors.

Vijay Boyapati “Case for Bitcoin” on The Investor’s Podcast

The author of “The Bullish Case for Bitcoin” breaks down Bitcoin funda­men­tals. Learn how money evolves, why Bitcoin matters, and Vijay’s long term price targets. Beginner friendly.

Bitcoin Tidbit: What is the “Bitcoin Blockchain?”

The blockchain is a public record of Bitcoin trans­ac­tions in chrono­log­ical order. It’s shared among all Bitcoin users so everyone can verify that all trans­ac­tions are valid.

Highlights from Swan’s Content

Swan is dedicated to producing great content to educate and raise aware­ness about Bitcoin. Our blog, Swan Signal, features thoughts and opinions on Bitcoin from the Swan team and industry experts. 

Our weekly live broad­cast, Swan Signal Live, pairs notable guests for compelling discus­sions about Bitcoin and economics. The live broad­cast is then published as audio on the Swan Signal Podcast feed. Subscribe to receive new episodes. 

Swan Signal Live 40: Lyn Alden and Andy Edstrom

Lively discus­sion of recent Bitcoin news including Niall Ferguson’s resounding endorse­ment of Bitcoin, Guggen­heim Invest­ments eyeing a $530m BTC position, future govern­ment actions towards Bitcoin, and more. 

Swan Signal Live 41: Hass McCook and Gigi

Hear from two deep thinking Bitcoiners as they discuss why making regular recur­ring Bitcoin buys is so impor­tant to them, Bitcoin’s user experi­ence, and the moral failings of fiat currency.

Swan Signal Live 42: Preston Pysh and Mark Moss

Three Bitcoin podcasters discuss Micros­trat­e­gy’s recent move to raise debt to buy Bitcoin, the looming Bitcoin shortage on exchanges, and Bitcoin vs Gold. 

Swan Signal Live 43: Max Keiser and Bitcoin TINA

Join former Wall Street legends discussing the fiat collapse, Bitcoin as “the big long, ” game theory of Bitcoin, Bitcoin narra­tives, and how the world economy is changing.

Behind the Scenes at Swan

  • Swan had yet another record-breaking month in terms of new members and total Bitcoin bought 

  • We launched one-time buys for all Swan customers! Head to your Swan dashboard to buy instantly with ACH.

  • For larger purchases between $2,500 and $10,000,000 you can wire money from your bank to your Swan account. Your funds will be avail­able to purchase Bitcoin within 24 hours.

  • Zane Pocock joined the Swan Team! Zane is an excel­lent writer, techni­cally savvy, and a talented marketer.

  • Swan Force has grown to over 1,200 members! Join Swan Force to get paid to recruit Bitcoiners. When you recruit someone to Swan, you’ll earn 25% of all Swan fees for 3 years. 

  • Help your friends and family learn about Bitcoin by sending them Yan Pritzker’s book Inventing Bitcoin (FREE).

Thank You!

What an exciting time to be in Bitcoin! Both Swan and Bitcoin are growing fast and we couldn’t do it without your support.

Any questions about Swan or Bitcoin more gener­ally? Our growing support staff loves answering your questions 🙂

Feel free to email us at

Once more, we want to express our deep grati­tude for you and all our Swan members. Together we can help bring about a bright orange future just a little bit faster. 

The Swan Team

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Brandon Quittem

Brandon Quittem

Brandon is an entrepreneur, writer, speaker, and passionate Bitcoiner. His articles have been read by more than 2 million people online. Most well known for exploring the parallels between bitcoin and mycelium.



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