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Swan Bitcoin 2022 Gift Guide

Swan Bitcoin 2022 Gift Guide

The HODLday season is a time for remembering the important things in life like family and friends and, of course, Bitcoin! Which is why we created the perfect gift guide for Bitcoiners.
Kristin Thompson
Kristin Thompson
Dec 15, 2021December 15, 202110 min read10 minutes read

The 2022 HODLday season is a time for remem­bering the impor­tant things in life like family and friends and, of course, Bitcoin!

And what better time to orange pill your family and friends or discuss the impli­ca­tions of Taproot than over a hot mug of eggnog or while spooning a dollop of sour cream on your potato latkes?

Coming in at number 1, no surprise here.…

1. Bitcoin 

This holiday season, give the gift of Bitcoin and finan­cial freedom to friends and family. Swan has enabled an all-new gifting feature, making giving Bitcoin safe and easy so you can rest assured your loved ones have access to educa­tion, support, and guidance on their Bitcoin journey.

Swan makes Giving Bitcoin easy — as you create a custom message, tell us who to send it to, and hit send! From there, the Swan Team will help your loved one activate their account and claim their Bitcoin!

Many Bitcoiners worry about sending Bitcoin to loved ones via third-party apps where a big red sell button constantly tempts people to sell at the first dip or all-time high. 

With Swan, you can feel confi­dent that your recip­ient will receive Swan’s incom­pa­rable Bitcoin educa­tion and support along the way.

Gift your loved ones Bitcoin here.


At the top of our list of physical gifts is the Block­Clock Mini from Coinkite. A must-have for tried and true Bitcoiners, this is CoinKite’s second Bitcoin art piece with 7 E‑Ink screens. The Block­Clock Mini shows the current block height, tracks prices from exchanges, and you can connect Opendimes to display your Bitcoin balance, fiat value, and deposit QR codes. And it even shows the time in Moscow. 😉

Buy the Block­Clock Mini here.


Next up on the list… and this is kind of a selfish gift (although we approve!). 

Give almost anything you can imagine while using Fold or Lolli. What’s better than giving a gift and getting some sats in return? 

We can’t think of much, to be honest. Fold and Lolli are great Bitcoin-only compa­nies, and they allow you to earn sats back on almost anything. Check them out.


Bitcoin Magazine is the oldest and most estab­lished source of news, infor­ma­tion, and expert commen­tary on Bitcoin, its under­lying blockchain technology, and the industry that has been built up around it. Since 2012, Bitcoin Magazine has provided analysis, research, educa­tion, and thought leader­ship at the inter­sec­tion of finance and technology.

Your loved one will receive the latest news about the people, compa­nies, and techno­log­ical devel­op­ments that are changing our world. Whether your gift recip­ient is new to the space or a bitcoin-savvy devel­oper, investor, or entre­pre­neur, Bitcoin Magazine will inform and enlighten them with new issues every quarter.

Get the Bitcoin Magazine Subscrip­tion here.

5. BITCOIN TEES by Cryptograffiti

Dress your Bitcoiner in some of the coolest tees in town by Bitcoin fine artist CryptoGraf­fiti. You’ll find tees that troll the banks, Bitcoin happy faces, and honey badgers too. 

Get a Bitcoin Tee for the Gen Z and Boomer alike here.


For the hard-core Bitcoiner, here’s the only hardware wallet with the option to never be connected to a computer for full opera­tion: from seed gener­a­tion to trans­ac­tion signing. Uses PSBT (BIP174) natively! 

All of the COLDCARD code is open source, and you can compile it yourself. It provides Physical Security. Your seed words are stored in a special­ized chip designed to securely store secrets. 

Buy a COLDCARD here.


The Gold Ridge Wallet is a must-have for your safety-minded Bitcoiner. The Ridge is a minimalist, RFID-blocking wallet designed to help insulate you from electronic pickpock­eting. The primary cardholder uses elastic to expand to hold up to 12 IDs and credit cards. 

Your typical leather bi-fold gets packed with faded receipts and unnec­es­sary cards, resem­bling something more like a suitcase than a wallet. The Ridge is minimalist without being limiting. It’s about carrying less but always having what you need.

Buy the gold Ridge Wallet here.


Looking for a stocking-stuffer or fun addition to a Bitcoin-themed gift

This fun notebook is just right for taking notes at meetings, setting goals for the new year, or tracking your Bitcoin purchases the old-fashioned way.

Buy the Bitcoin Notebook here.


Pair some sats with the best Bitcoin book for begin­ners & experts alike. Inventing Bitcoin is the must-read book on Bitcoin, walking readers method­i­cally through the basics of this world-changing technology without getting too bogged down by the nitty-gritty details. 

Inventing Bitcoin is a book every Bitcoiner should keep on their bookshelf as a resource and reminder of what Bitcoin is, how it works, and exactly how it can change the world.

No technical exper­tise required! Read it, then share it with your loved ones. 

“Having read virtu­ally every Bitcoin explainer, I believe it’s the best from-scratch intro­duc­tion to Bitcoin, requiring no prior knowl­edge at all. I will be refer­ring newcomers to it from now on.” 

 — Nic Carter, Castle Island Ventures

Download a FREE PDF and audio version of Inventing Bitcoin here.

Buy the physical copy of Inventing Bitcoin here.


Is your Bitcoiner ready to run a node? 

Full nodes maintain a complete copy of the Bitcoin blockchain, a key compo­nent of decen­tral­iza­tion. Running a node helps to strengthen the network. It allows a user to prove their owner­ship of Bitcoin without relying on any third party. 

Get up and running seamlessly with this all-aluminum plug-and-play Umbrel node & server featuring a 1.8″ display powered by a Raspberry Pi 4 with 8GB RAM and a 1.6 Ghz quad-core CPU.

Just connect the device to your router with an ethernet cable (included), turn it on, and open http://umbrel.local on any device connected to the same network to access your Umbrel.

Buy the Bitcoin Machine with Umbrel here.


This is the perfect gift for a loved one with diamond hands! Only insiders will know what this fanny pack and matching hat mean. These goodies will surely help your friend or loved one start the day with a smile through the bull and bear markets alike. 

Even better, through the end of the year, all proceeds will be donated to Bitcoin CoreBug Reports & Security

So your gift will brighten someone’s holiday & help secure Bitcoin at the same!

Buy the Diamond Hands HODL fanny pack and ball cap here.


Cryptotag Zeus is the latest titanium backup solution from Cryptotag, designed to protect your recovery seed from damage. Easily record up to 24 BIP39-compat­ible recovery seed words and protect the backup of your hardware wallet private keys. 

The 6mm thick bullet­proof, water­proof titanium Zeus is resis­tant to temper­a­tures of up to 3050 °F (1667 °C) and all kinds of high-pressure testing such as pneumatic hammers.

Buy the Cryptotag Zeus here.


Did you know that materials are not safe even inside a fireproof safe?! Crazy but true.

These fireproof bags are designed to reflect intense heat and insulate against it. They are made from highly advanced materials… 

Flame resis­tant velcro, kevlar thread, fireproof/needle punch felt, fiber­glass, and aluminized material. Brimstone bags are just the right place to store thumb­drives, documents, heirlooms, and your favorite cold storage device.

Buy the Brimstone Fireproof Storage Bag here.


Looking for a few fun stocking stuffers? 

Check out these Honey Badger, Citadel, or BTC magnets. These magnets are just right to spruce up your favorite office, refrig­er­ator, or even the toolbox in your garage.

Buy Bitcoin pins and magnets here.


Are you ready to store your Opendimes in one of the coolest ways? 

We’ve got you covered. It’s time Bitcoin gets the atten­tion it deserves, and this piece is guaran­teed to get people talking.

Each unit is printed in 6 different pieces. A few parts must be assem­bled to follow post office regula­tions for shipping. 

Notice: This is not a real grenade, just an amazingly cool storage device.

Buy the Bitcoin Grenade here.


Are you looking for a gift for a Light­ning Network aficionado? 

Look no further! The Light­ning Store has some of the coolest Light­ning Network merch avail­able. But of course, they only accept Bitcoin. 

So break out your Wallet of Satoshi or Light­ning wallet of choice, and get ready to spend some sats! If you’re new to Light­ning, they accept regular Bitcoin trans­ac­tions, but definitely no dirty dollars!

Buy Light­ning Network merch here.


For your favorite uber-nerd… 

The Seed Signer lets you build an offline, air-gapped Bitcoin trans­ac­tion signing device using off-the-shelf compo­nents for less than $50! This gift satis­fies both the builder and the Bitcoiner in your life.

Buy the Seed Signer here.



Embassy is a radical, uncom­pro­mising, plug-and-play private server, offering one-click instal­la­tion and simple config­u­ra­tion of a growing list of powerful, self-hosted, open-source services such as Bitcoin, Light­ning, Matrix, File Browser, Bitwarden, Mastodon, BTCPay Server and more.

In The Box:

  • Raspberry Pi 4 (8GB)

  • 128GB SanDisk microSD, prein­stalled with EmbassyOS

  • GPIO mini speaker/buzzer for audio feedback

  • Power supply (US, UK, EU, AU)

Buy the Embassy private server here.


Bitcoin Billion­aires is a fun read for OGs and new Bitcoiners alike. From Ben Mezrich, the New York Times bestselling author Bitcoin Billion­aires tells the fasci­nating story of brothers Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss’s big bet on crypto-currency and its dazzling pay-off.

Two of the story’s iconic charac­ters are Harvard students Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss: identical twins, Olympic rowers, and foils to Mark Zucker­berg. Bitcoin Billion­aires is the story of the brothers’ redemp­tion and Bitcoin-fueled revenge in the wake of their epic legal battle with Facebook.

On November 26, 2017, the Winklevoss brothers became the first bitcoin billion­aires. Here’s the story of how they got there―as only Ben Mezrich could tell it.

Buy the Bitcoin Billion­aire book here.


Featuring the Satoshi Sees embroi­dered design, this backpack has padded back and adjustable shoulder straps, combining function­ality with subtle style. Use the two-way zipped main compart­ment to carry anything from a 15-inch laptop to books, and keep your phone and keys safe in the front zip pocket.

Details: 100% polyester, 600D | Two-tone fabric | Large main compart­ment with padded back panel | Padded adjustable shoulder straps in matching fabric.

Buy the Satoshi Sees backpack here.

HAPPY HODLdays From the Entire Swan Squad! 

We wish you and your family all the best and look forward to serving you in the new year. 

Ready to Give Bitcoin? Click here.

Need help purchasing larger amounts of Bitcoin before the end of the year? Click here.

Just getting started with Swan? Click here.

Sign up to start saving Bitcoin

Buy automatically every day, week, or month, starting with as little as $10.

Kristin Thompson

Kristin Thompson

Kristin Thompson spent an award-winning decade in media sales for top-rated stations like CBS Radio and NBC Television. Then she launched her own company SpeakServeGrow, helping businesses generate a rush of leads and clients with events, speaking and live streams. After falling down the rabbit hole in 2017, Kristin now heads up Marketing and PR for Swan Bitcoin, combining her expertise with her love for Bitcoin and Bitcoiners.



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